More efficiency through autonomization
EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr is a platform and ideas generator for intelligent and networked logistics. Since winning the Federal Government’s edge cluster competition in the year 2010, the EffizienzCluster not only accompanies the digitalization of logistics, but is pushing developments forward as well. As the leading European research and innovation cluster for logistics, the EffizienzCluster offers a platform for collaboration, innovation and infrastructure that supports companies’ competitiveness. Today, the principle of the cluster is to “increase efficiency through autonomization”. A large number of research projects and initiatives contribute towards achieving that mission and the cluster has now become an implementer for the Internet of Things and a mastermind behind Industry 4.0.
In the EffizienzCluster more than 200 companies and scientific institutions from all over Europe are actively involved in research projects, the EffizienzCluster Logistik e.V., the network of companies and in various other initiatives. From the 30 research projects which were originally part of the leading edge cluster competition more than 100 components for efficient logistics have been developed which can now be positioned in the market.für eine effiziente Logistik, die nun im Markt positioniert werden können.